Like all of A.A., the primary purpose of members involved with Public Information (PI) service is to carry the A.A. message to the alcoholic who still suffers. Working together, members of local Public Information committees convey A.A. information to the general public through activities such as giving A.A. information talks at schools and civic organization meetings, providing A.A. literature to schools and offices, and insuring local media have accurate information and providing them with A.A. public service announcements... READ MORE.
Districts 9, 44, & 45 PI Committee:
Meeting Day & Time - First Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM
Zoom ID: 926 1709 7723 Pass: 136777
Meeting Location - Central Service Office -hybrid
Contact Email - pichair@pugetsoundaa.org
Contact Phone - 253-474-8897
Contact Mailing Address - 3640 South Cedar Street Ste S, Tacoma, WA 98409
District 10 PI Committee:
Contact Email - dist10pi@area72aa.org
District 29 PI/CPC Committee:
Meeting Day & Time - Monthly, the 2nd Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM
Meeting Location - Puyallup Elks Club
Contact Email - dist29cpc@area72aa.org
District 43 PI Committee:
Meeting Day & Time -
Meeting Location -
Contact Email - pichair@aadistrict43.org
District 54 PI Committee:
Meeting Day & Time -
Meeting Location -