What is PSCSO?
The Puget Sound Central Service Office (PSCSO) is an independent, non-profit service organization whose mission is to support the members, groups, and service committees of our seven districts (9, 10, 29, 43, 44, 45, 54) in fulfilling their twelfth step work.
The PSCSO is managed by a Board that is composed of 2 directors from each of the seven districts and 5 Officers (Chair, Alt-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Alt-Treasurer) The board also consists of our Newsletter Editor, 2 Web Servants and an Archivist.
The Puget Sound Central Service Office has by-laws that govern its operation. These were adopted on 6/9/2019 and will be periodically updated as the board requires. (see CSO By-laws).
What does PSCSO do?
Provides a 24/7 hotline through the Twelfth Step Service Committee (TSSC).
Publishes the Where and When meeting booklet and an online meeting list web application
Sells literature, including but not limited to, AAWS and Grapevine. We also sell birthday and specialty coins.
Provides a physical meeting space for groups, standing committees, and conference organizers with options for hybrid.
Publishes a monthly newsletter titled the "Puget Sound Gazette" and maintains this website
Provides mailboxes for all A.A. groups
Provides a copy machine for A.A. groups to create flyers at a nominal cost
And numerous other services to A.A. members and the greater community
How can I get involved?
Attend a Twelfth Step Service Committee meeting to learn about service opportunities at the PSCSO answering the and/or get on the list to accept twelfth step and hospital calls.
Attend a PSCSO Board meeting as a visitor (all are welcome) to learn about the behind the scenes business necessary to keep the PSCSO running.
Volunteer for a service position on the PSCSO Board (typically done at the November meeting)
PSCSO Contact Info
3640 South Cedar Street Ste S, Tacoma, WA 98409
253-474-8897 (Hotline)
253 503-6845 (Administrator)
Committee Meetings:
Second Sunday of the month at 6:00 PM via Zoom, and hybrid at the CSO
Meeting ID: 922 1048 4964
Passcode: 519429 (entry controlled)