Study Guides
L-06 Big Book Dictionary $4.50; L-16 large print - $8.70
Made for use with the "Big Book" of A.A. Definitions do not necessarily translate for use with "The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions" book of A.A.
The Little Big Book Dictionary includes over 2,200 of the most difficult words, terms, and phrases found in The 'Big Book' of Alcoholics Anonymous. Providing text referenced definitions, simple phonic pronunciation guides, and page numbers for the included words.
L-07 12 n 12 Dictionary $4.50; L-17 large print - $8.70
Over 2,200 of the most difficult words and terms found in the 12 by 12 book of Alcoholics anonymous. It includes simple phonic pronunciation guides, page number references for included words, text referenced definitions, and fits in the 12 by 12 book.
L-26 The Little Big Book Quote Book $8.00
Over 300 Big Book quotes with Big Book page number references and an index of topics and Big Book phrases